Fishing Season: January through December

Shoshone River - WY

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


North Fork Anglers's Tip of the Week

The flows have been reduced to winter levels. This isn't great for the overall health of the fishery but it will make for fantastic fishing in the short term.

Directions open in app

Map of Shoshone River

Orvis-Endorsed guides nearby

Boulder Basin Outfitters
North Fork Anglers

5-Day Outlook as of 3/24/25

The weather is going to warm up throughout the week. This could lead to some dirty water conditions due to runoff. I would fish earlier in the week if possible for the best possible conditions.

Techniques & Tips as of 3/24/25

Nymphs fished under an indicator with a floating fly line have been consistent trout producers. There has been some surface activity on BWO's and Midges in the afternoon. Dark and or two tone streamers - For example, Sex Dungeons, Mini Peanut Envys, Trevor's Sculpin, Scupzillas, Rabbit Zonkers are working great.

Local Species Available January through December

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    tiger trout whitefish

North Fork Anglers's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Bead Head Caddis Pupa peacock, tan 12-16
Fly Formerly Known As Prince red 4-12
Prince Nymph black or peacock 12-16
Hot Cone Woolly Bugger Black 6-12
Sculpzilla Tan, white, bead, bl 4, 6
Peanut Envy Black, Yellow/brown, 4-8
Sparkle Dun peacock or brown 14-16
Griffith's Gnat red, black, olive, orange 16-20
Olive/White Conehead Zonkers Olive/white 2-6
Wade's North Fork Special nymph black, tan, purple, red 8-14

Bead Head Caddis Pupa

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North Fork Anglers's Recommended Gear

Description: About Shoshone River

The lower Shoshone River is our reported fishery November through March. It begins as a tail water below Buffalo Bill Dam. It is fishable all the way to the Willwood Bridge access - 23 miles!) The best section is below Buffalo Bill Dam to Willwood Dam. The river fishes great all the time. Best conditions is during the low water period, October through April.

Nearest Airport:

Cody, WY


Caddis BWO's PMD's Stoneflies

Best Time to Fish:

11 am to 3 pm

Best Stretch:

below Buffalo Bill Dam down river to Willwood Dam

Best Access:

Hayden Arch Bridge,12th St., 19th St., Cooper Lane, Road 2AB, Corbett Bridge.