Fishing Season: Some closures. Check local regulations.

Deschutes River - OR

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Deep Canyon Outfitters's Tip of the Week

Large stonefly nymphs, caddis pupa and baetis imitations. Fish have been eating eggs in large numbers. Check regulations to make sure your target destination is currently open.

Directions open in app

Map of Deschutes River

Water Flow Data

Orvis-Endorsed guides nearby

Deep Canyon Outfitters
Bischof's Flyfishing

5-Day Outlook as of 3/19/25

Flows have been inconsistent and are currently very high. Call your local shop before going.

Techniques & Tips as of 3/19/25

Nymph rigs are certainly the name of the game as most fish are sitting in deeper, winter holding water

Local Species Available Some closures. Check local regulations.

  • Fish Icon

    Rainbow trout and Steelhead

Deep Canyon Outfitters's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Tunghead Stonefly N/A
Bead Head Giant Stone N/A
Schultzy's S4 Sculpin N/A
x-caddis olive 16-18
elk hair caddis Olive/Tan 16-18
Jig-styled nymps N/A 16
sparkle pupa olive/tan 16-18

Tunghead Stonefly

If you fish stonefly nymphs, you'll want to have several sizes of these bottom bumpers.

Deep Canyon Outfitters's Recommended Gear

Description: About Deschutes River

Healthy populations of year-round rainbow trout and growing returns of summer steelhead between July and November inhabit the Lower Deschutes River. This spectacular river rambles through an immense canyon, dropping sharply in spots creating exciting whitewater opportunities. Besides great fishing, the Deschutes is home for wildlife, including: Bald eagles, Osprey, Blue Heron, Big Horn sheep, Mule deer, playful Otters and of course strong rainbow trout and summer steelhead! The Lower Deschutes' native fish grow thick shouldered and extremely powerful for their size. Averaging 14-16 inches, and topping out around 21 inches. Open to fishing all year, the Lower Deschutes is home to many epic insect hatches. May marks the hatch of a famous stonefly called: Pteranarcys (Giant Stonefly or Salmonfly). This hatch lasts through the first weeks of June. These huge bugs are the ultimate meal for the trout, and anglers fishing this hatch will be rewarded with the largest, hottest rainbow trout of the season. Like all rivers, the Deschutes has ever-changing hatches, creating great dry fly opportunities through out the year. The Deschutes River is equally famous for it's Summer Steelhead run. These anadromous fish begin migrating from the Pacific in July. As the weather cools in September, the steelhead respond. Steelhead this time of the season occasionally rise to surface presentations, offering anglers the chance at hooking one of these fantastic fish on a dry fly. October is the best month to catch a steelhead... while the weather is pleasant, and fish can be caught in the entire river. If you enjoy fly fishing for feisty rainbow trout and powerful steelhead, the Deschutes River is an experience you can't afford to miss.

Nearest Airport:

Roberts Field Airport (RDM), Redmond, Oregon


Caddis, BWOs, Midge

Best Time to Fish:


Best Stretch:

The entire 100 mile lowest segment of the river.

Best Access:

Heritage Flats, Maupin, Locked Gate, Mack's Canyon, South Junction, Trout Creek, town of Warm Spings