Fishing Outlook & Conditions
Water Temp:
CrossCurrents Fly Shop's Tip of the Week
Stay indoors and tie some flies for your Valentine! 'Cause baby, it's cold outside!!
Directions open in app
Water Flow Data
5-Day Outlook as of 2/11/25
Daytime highs in the single digits -both above and BELOW zero! Like a Montana winter should be.
Techniques & Tips as of 2/11/25
No good fly fishing technique this week -unless you want to drop some flies down an 8" hole through the ice on a frozen lake. (Which is actually pretty good these days!)
Local Species Available Winter
Rainbow Trout
Brown Trout
and Whitefish
CrossCurrents Fly Shop's Recommended Fly Patterns
"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:
Name: | Colors: | Size(s): |
Griffith's Gnat | N/A | #18 - #20 |
I Can See It Midge Fly | N/A | #18 - #20 |
RS2 | N/A | #18 - #22 |
Vernille San Juan Worm | red | #10 |
Firebead Sowbug | N/A | #14 - #16 |
Warrior Perdigon | N/A | #16 - #18 |
Lightning Bug | Gold, Silver | #16 - #18 |
Bead Head Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail | N/A | #18 |
Sparkle Minnow | Pearl, Sculpin | #4 - #6 |
Lil' Kim | N/A | #4 - #8 |
CrossCurrents Fly Shop's Recommended Gear
Best Leader:
Super Strong Plus Leaders
Best Tippet:
SuperStrong Plus Tippet in 30- and 100-meter spools
Best Fly Fishing Rod:
5-Weight 9' Fly Rod
Best Floating Fly Line:
WF Trout Fly Line
Best Sinking Fly Line:
Clear Sink Tip Fly Line