Fishing Season: Year Round (Prime: July 1 - August 1; Runoff: May 1 - June 15)

Gallatin River - MT

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Yellow Dog Flyfishing's Tip of the Week

Wait until the air temperature warms in the afternoon for best fishing success. Fishing is getting better as we inch towards spring. A large nymph like a worm or a stonefly fished with a midge or perdigon will work great all winter.

Directions open in app

Map of Gallatin River

Water Flow Data

5-Day Outlook as of 3/18/25

Pleasant conditions expected for the next 7 days. Temperatures above freezing. Fishing should continue to be good.

Techniques & Tips as of 3/18/25

Nymph fishing will be the best option. Fish are still in deep pools. Spend a little more time fishing these areas than you did a few weeks ago. If you don't find any fish, move to the next pool.

Local Species Available Year Round (Prime: July 1 - August 1; Runoff: May 1 - June 15)

  • Fish Icon

    Rainbow Trout

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    Brown Trout

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    Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout

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    Rocky Mountian Whitefish

Yellow Dog Flyfishing's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Griffith's Gnat Peacock 18
Sparkle Dun Olive 18
Cone Head Muddler Minnow Natural 8-10
Troutmaster Nymph - Hare's Ear Black 8-12
Pat's Rubberleg Brown 10-14
Chubby Chernobyl Peacock 12
Bead Head Stonefly Red 10
La Fontaine Sparkle Pupa Orange 6
Lite Brite Perdigon Purple 14

Griffith's Gnat

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Yellow Dog Flyfishing's Recommended Gear

Description: About Gallatin River

The Gallatin River is a classic western freestone river. It begins its journey in the northwest corner of Yellowstone National Park, flows through the scenic Gallatin Canyon passing the town of Big Sky, and eventually into the Gallatin Valley where it meets the Madison and Jefferson Rivers to form the Missouri. The Gallatin is characterized by its beautiful surroundings, easy access for wade fishing and abundance of rainbow trout, brown trout, and Yellowstone cutthroat trout. The Gallatin offers year-round fishing opportunities and anglers can be successful with dries, nymphs, or streamers.

Nearest Airport:

Gallatin Field Airport (BZN), Bozeman, Montana



Best Time to Fish:

Mid Day

Best Stretch:


Best Access:

Any of the turnouts throughout the Canyon.