Fishing Season: Summer

Big Hole River - MT

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Craig Fellin Outfitters & Big Hole Lodge's Tip of the Week

Leaders are the most overlooked and arguably most important part of presentation. Make sure you're matching your tippet size to the application. Streamers require heavy tippet and midges require fine tippet.

Directions open in app

Map of Big Hole River

Water Flow Data

5-Day Outlook as of 2/3/25

Closing October 1 to protect spawning brown trout

Techniques & Tips as of 2/3/25

Dry flies and small streamers, swing soft hackles

Local Species Available Summer

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Craig Fellin Outfitters & Big Hole Lodge's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Big Sky Salmon Fly Orange #4-6
Bead Head Stonefly Black #4-6
Tunghead Stonefly Black #4-6
Elk Wing Caddis Tan #14-16
Domagala Streamer Olive #6
Rogue River Salmon Orange #4-8
Yellow Sally Tan #14-16
Bead Head Prince Brown #8-14
Flexi-Girdle Bug Brown #4-8
Peperroni Yuk Bug Black/org #4-8

Big Sky Salmon Fly

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Craig Fellin Outfitters & Big Hole Lodge's Recommended Gear

Description: About Big Hole River

From its headwaters near Jackson, the Big Hole meanders 150 miles to its confluence with the Ruby and Beaverhead which form the Jefferson River. It is a river rich not only in historical importance, but also in its ability to produce wild trout- and large ones at that. In certain sections of the river, there are approximately 3,500 trout per mile with a substantial percentage in the 18-20" class. The renowned beauty of the river with its towering peaks of more than 10,000 ft. upstream of Dickey Bridge and secluded Maiden Rock Canyon makes this more than just a famous trout fishery. The Big Hole is really a special place, and as you float by a stretch like the Ralston Ranch above Wise River, you can almost picture the stagecoach stop the family operated in 1910 and the teams of horses that fed and rested there. Where else can you have the chance to catch a brown, rainbow, cutthroat and brook trout along with a grayling all in one day?

Nearest Airport:



October caddis, tricos, ants, hoppers

Best Time to Fish:

5am - 1pm

Best Stretch:

Divide to Melrose

Best Access:

Maiden Rock