Fishing Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn

Rocky Mountain National Park - CO

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Sunrise Anglers's Tip of the Week

Some spotty openings, winter is not done, hopefully

Directions open in app

Map of Rocky Mountain National Park

Water Flow Data

Orvis-Endorsed guides nearby

Sunrise Anglers

5-Day Outlook as of 3/17/25

building that snowpack!

Techniques & Tips as of 3/17/25

High stick tight water,,, rip out a bit more line on larger pools ,,, sinking lines work well in the high mountain lakes but a high floating line is all you need

Local Species Available Spring, Summer, Autumn

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Sunrise Anglers's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Blue Wing Olive Parachute Dark 18
Chernobyl Ant Dark Red 14
PMX Peacock 14
Royal Wulff Peacock 10 - 18
Streamer dark 6
Elk hair caddis Tan 14 - 16
Chernobyl Ant dark 12
Indicator Parachute - Baetis Gray 18
Orange Asher naranja 14, 18
irrisistable Yellow 18

Blue Wing Olive Parachute

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Sunrise Anglers's Recommended Gear

Description: About Rocky Mountain National Park

The Northern Front Range of Colorado presents the angler an array of water from tight pocket to medium sized rivers, all within reach of Denver/Boulder area. Every blue line of the map usually means fish. The Rocky Mountain National Park has over 450 miles of fishable water alone. Many streams rush out of the Mountains rather quickly. A tight-line, high stick dry method, take fish on a consistent basis. On a majority of Freestone’s, the longer runs and deeper pools allow for longer casts and certainly hide more fish, but at times of the year, an angler may be able to step/cast/catch on any piece of water. Brown trout flourish in lower sections of the streams, with rainbows, cutthroats, brookies following upstream to the headwaters. The Big Thompson, The South Platte, North St. Vrain, South Boulder Creek, and Clear Creek offer tail-water options for winter. Our season starts with Midges and Winter Stones until the Blue Wings start to pop around late February to early March. Sporadic Caddis hatches give way to the mother lode, the annual Mother’s Day Hatch. This Hatch is long gone by the time the date actually arrives. Run-off hits around the second week of May in earnest, coinciding with Large Stones and Big Flies. Run-off can last until the last week of June to the fourth of July. Callibeatis on ponds and lakes, hone your skills in anticipation for the PMD, Green Drake, Flavs, Red Quills, and Tricos to come. Terrestrials take hold of the long days of summer giving way to the October Caddis and finally, Beatis that completes the cycle.

Nearest Airport:

Denver Int. Airport


Attractor Fly Heaven,,, Matching the hatch is critical when fishing close to the car

Best Time to Fish:

Really Any

Best Stretch:

Hike to get Away from the crowds

Best Access:

Four park entrances