Fishing Season: Year-round

Lower Gunnison River - CO

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


RIGS Fly Shops & Guide Service's Tip of the Week

Wintertime fishing has started on the Gunnison below and above pleasure park.Fish have slowed down but still feeding during the warmer parts of the day. Focus your time on the deeper pools and slower waters and fish congregate in this type of water in the colder months. Changing flies and adjusting your rig before you move to another hole will increase your success. Small may fly and midge nymphs have been producing trailed behind an attractor like an egg or worm.

Directions open in app

Map of Lower Gunnison River

Water Flow Data

Orvis-Endorsed guides nearby

RIGS Fly Shop & Guide Service

5-Day Outlook as of 1/14/25

Weather has been hit-and-miss with snow or wind so keep an eye on the forecast as you look to plan a trip

Techniques & Tips as of 1/14/25

Nymphing small flies in the deeper runs and pools. Depending on temp and bug activity fish may rise to hatches during the day so haveing a selection of midge and BWO adults in your box with have you ready for any situation.

Local Species Available Year-round

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    Rainbow Trout

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    Brown Trout

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    Roundtail Chub

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    and Flannelmouth Sucker

RIGS Fly Shops & Guide Service's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Birchell's Hatching Midge N/A
I Can See It Midge Fly N/A
Lightning Bug N/A
Bead Head Brassie™ N/A
Rojo Midge N/A
Shaky Worm N/A

Birchell's Hatching Midge

This midge fly pattern can be used as a dry fly or emerger.

RIGS Fly Shops & Guide Service's Recommended Gear

Description: About Lower Gunnison River

Pleasure Park: This stretch of the Gunnison starts at the confluence of the Smith Fork, four miles above Pleasure Park, and ends at the Highway 65 bridge about 12 miles below Pleasure Park. Not as dramatic as the East Portal or Gunnison Gorge, this section of the river twists its way through sandstone cliffs and a beautiful desert landscape.

Nearest Airport:

Montrose and Grand Junction

Best Time to Fish:

Late morning to mid afternoon ( Warmest part of the day)

Best Stretch:

Both up and Down stream of pleasure park fish very well but in the spring or after a big storm the North Fork of the Gunnison causes the down stream section to blow out.

Best Access:

Pleasure park or South River Road