Fishing Season: Hybrid Tailwater / Year Round

Boulder Creek - CO

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Sunrise Anglers's Tip of the Week

Sun angles and rising day temperatures are opening more water. Flows are low but doable. Walker Ranch fluctuating between 100-60 cfs

Directions open in app

Map of  Boulder Creek

Water Flow Data

Orvis-Endorsed guides nearby

Sunrise Anglers

5-Day Outlook as of 3/17/25

Look for a favorite hatch of the year,,, Little Black Stone Baetis showing

Techniques & Tips as of 3/17/25

nymph rig, dries in pockets with droppers,,, highstick the tight holes

Local Species Available Hybrid Tailwater / Year Round

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    odd Cutthroat

Sunrise Anglers's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
CDC Comparadun Dark 18
Cripple Dun BWO Dark 18
CDC Loopwing Quill Emerger BWO 18
Blue Wing Olive Parachute Dark O 18
Caddis dry elk Blonde 14-16
Bighorn midge Gray 18
RS2 Dark 18
Chernobyl Ant Brown/Org 14
Pheasant Tail Dark 18
Pupa midge Cream 18, 24

CDC Comparadun

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Sunrise Anglers's Recommended Gear

Description: About Boulder Creek

The Boulder Creek watershed starts at the Continental Divide in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. The drainage starts for the north fork just south of Navajo Peak, and runs south along the divide to James Peak which feeds the south fork. Middle Boulder tumbles along the alpine tundra to collect in Barker Reservoir. This mini tail water creates a midge factory. Baetis, Stoneflies, Caddis, Pmd's, Flavs, Red Quills, and Terrestrials round out the diet. The canyon stretch parallels highway 119 to the outskirts of west Boulder. A bike path runs the length of the creek in the town of Boulder out beyond Foothills Parkway. With water this close to population, the creek can receive some heavy pressure. At times a simple attractor can suffice, but the creek can be a great teacher of matching the hatch. Many of my early midge designs were tested on these PhD browns. There is a new Zealand Mud Snail east of town near Valmont. The North Fork of Boulder Creek joins in the canyon just above Sunnyside. A little side creek of this Fork, Como, produced the elusive Greenback Trout. This Strain repopulated many of the drainages in the Rocky Mountain National Park. The South Fork of Boulder could not be more different from the middle fork. The drainage is supplemented by a water diversion through the divide. The Moffat tunnel transfers water from the Fraser river near Winter Park. At times this can be as much as 1200 cfs, turning the upper course into an (almost) unfishable torrent. The water comes to rest in Gross Reservoir. The tail water changes the Walker Ranch section to technical flies but a strong showing of caddis, PMD's and green drakes in the summer get every fish up on top. The south then flows through open prairie after exiting Eldorado Springs to the confluence of Middle Boulder near Valmont. I have experienced almost every western insect hatch on some portion of South Boulder. Have fun discovering how productive this local fishery can be!

Nearest Airport:

Denver International


Middle Stem:: midges, baetis, stonefly, Walker,,,,midges, baetis, mysis

Best Time to Fish:


Best Stretch:


Best Access:

Bike Path through town