Fishing Season: Year Round (Prime: June 15 - November 30)

Blue River - CO

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Breckenridge Outfitters's Tip of the Week

Below Dillon Dam has been fishing well and north of Silverthorne as well

Directions open in app

Map of Blue River

Water Flow Data

Tidal Conditions

5-Day Outlook as of 3/24/25

Water is low. Winter fishing conditions.

Techniques & Tips as of 3/24/25

Nymphing below the dam, and north of Silverthorne.

Local Species Available Year Round (Prime: June 15 - November 30)

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Breckenridge Outfitters's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
TH Zebra Midge Black, Red 20-24
WD-40 black or brown 20-24
I Can See It Midge Fly olive/black 20-22
RS2 Olive or Gray 20-24
Mysis Shrip White 18-20
Radiation baetis orange/black 18-20
Disco Midge Larva Red 18-22
Bead Head Woolly Bugger Streamer Black 10
Egg pattern pink/orange/yellow 12-14
rs2 all 20-24

TH Zebra Midge

A handy midge fly pattern for stillwater.

Breckenridge Outfitters's Recommended Gear

Description: About Blue River

The Blue River is divided into 3 sections, the Blue in Breckenridge, the Blue below lake Dillon and the Blue below Green Mountain reservoir. In Breckenridge, the Blue has easy access and is a great place to spend a morning or afternoon with the whole family. Below lake Dillon some of the largest trout in Summit County have been caught, mostly on tiny midges and shrimp patterns. Fishing below Green Mountain Reservoir can provide great learning experiences for any angler. Steep access and fluctuating flows, push an angler to test skills and knowledge of all aspects of our sport. When fishing the Blue, be sure to keep an eye on flows, no matter where you are fishing. Consistent flows will lead to amazing fishing, while a dramatic change could introduce streamer fishing like never before. There are amazing Caddis, Midges, Stones and Mayfly hatches, with the Green Drake hatch being the most renowned.

Nearest Airport:

DIA, Kremmling, Eagle


Mercury Black Beauty, Poison Tungsten, Mercury Midge, Dye's Purple Flash Midge, RS2 and Mysis shrimp below the dam. Hoppers, Missing Link, Two Bit Hookers, Pat's Rubber Legs, ang Zebra Midges north of Silverthorne. Chubby chernobyls, Extended Body BWO, Parachute adams, Acid ants, Amy's ants.

Best Time to Fish:

From 10am to 4pm

Best Stretch:

Below the dam in Silverthorne

Best Access:
