Fishing Outlook & Conditions
Water Temp:
Royal Gorge Anglers's Tip of the Week
Plenty of spawning rainbows and cuttbows in the system right now, so please be aware and don't fish to actively spawning fish!
Directions open in app
Water Flow Data
5-Day Outlook as of 3/21/25
Flows have now stabilized in the winter should really be consistent on the Tailwater for the next several months.
Techniques & Tips as of 3/21/25
Technical nymphing is certainly your best method to get into numbers of fish. Midges, Tricos and Fall Baetis (BWOs) will be your focal point until next Spring. Keep some small dry flies on hand in the same bug categories as you will certainly see some sporadic hatch activity. We'll mix in some small leeches to our nymph rigs at times and keep a streamer rod handy for the low light time periods. Pretty basic rigging in the winter, but the fishing is quite technical.
Local Species Available Year Around
Rainbow Trout; Brown Trout
Royal Gorge Anglers's Recommended Fly Patterns
"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:
Name: | Colors: | Size(s): |
RS2 | black | 20,22 |
Sparkle Dun | black | 22 |
Bead Head Brassie | natural | 20 |
Griffith's Gnat | Peacock | 22 |
Bead Head Emerging Sparkle Caddis Pupa | olive | 16 |
Slim Shady PMD | PMD | 18 |
Rojo Midge | Red | 22 |
Sparkle Dun | Grey | 24 |
Micro Leech | Black | 16 |
Trico Spinner | Black | 22 |
Royal Gorge Anglers's Recommended Gear
Best Leader:
Super Strong Plus Leaders
Best Tippet:
SuperStrong Plus Tippet in 30- and 100-meter spools
Best Fly Fishing Rod:
5-Weight 9' Fly Rod
Best Floating Fly Line:
Trout Easy Mend WF Fly Line