Fishing Outlook & Conditions
Water Temp:
ArkAnglers's Tip of the Week
The river through and below Salida is offering some very fun early season fishing with strong midge hatches, molting golden stoneflies, and increasing activity from blue wing olive nymphs combining with warmer weather to prompt greater activity from resident trout than we've seen so far this year. Fairly mild weather is in the forecast again this week. 9AM to 4PM is your best window of opportunity for productive fishing most days, when air and water temperatures are warmest and the angle of the sun will positively impact fish behavior in the river. On warmer days, feeding activity can start even earlier. We anticipate the first hatches of blue wing olives around St. Patrick's Day. If you have experienced an Arkansas River blue wing olive hatch before, you'll know that this event can offer some of the best dry fly fishing of the entire year. The Arkansas is known for its venerable brachycentrus "Mother's Day" caddis hatch which will begin in mid-April but seasoned local and itinerant fishermen have recognized the incredible mayfly activity preceding these caddis hatches, all the while enjoying far less traffic and competition on the river. Expect fish to be close to deeper winter water, though they are beginning to venture into nearby transitional areas that are often much shallower (~2-3' in depth) to seek food. Work water slowly and methodically, relying on multi-nymph rigs in deep water with a fair amount of weight to ensure your flies achieve the appropriate depth for where fish are holding. In shallower areas, we are seeing good results moving to a dry dropper rig. Midge and caddis larvae are key before lunchtime, with midge pupae critical forage after noon. We've also seen a dramatic increase in blue wing olive nymph activity in these weeks prior to their emergence. Nymphs will grow darker as we move along in March and are now drifting consistently each afternoon preceding the hatch. Anglers should carry dun and emerger imitations around a size #18. The best opportunities to fish a blue wing olive hatch are typically on cloudy days with high humidity, as it seems more insects hatch and generally rest on the water's surface for a longer duration before being able to take flight. That said, you can still see excellent hatches on sunny days here, too, so be prepared rain or shine. In addition, expect increased molting activity from resident golden stonefly nymphs making them much more vulnerable to predation. #10-14 light colored golden stonefly nymph imitations are perfect for imitating this behavior and since heavy anchor nymphs are a good way to minimize the need for split shot in sinking your rig, golden stonefly nymphs are good choices all spring. 4x and 5x leader and tippet are appropriate choices.
Directions open in app
Water Flow Data
5-Day Outlook as of 3/16/25
We anticipate the first blue wing olive mayfly hatches of the spring to begin this week.
Techniques & Tips as of 3/16/25
Nymphing, dry dropper when fish move into shallower feeding areas during the heat of the day.
Local Species Available Year Round (Prime March 1 - October 31)
Brown and Rainbow Trout
ArkAnglers's Recommended Fly Patterns
"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:
Name: | Colors: | Size(s): |
Perdigon/Spanish Bullet | Brown, Olive, Black | 16-18 |
Pheasant Tail Nymph | Natural, Olive | 12-18 |
Zebra Midge | Black, Olive, Purple | 16-20 |
Biot Epoxyback Stonefly | Golden | 10-14 |
ArkAnglers's Recommended Gear
Best Leader:
Super Strong Plus Leaders
Best Tippet:
SuperStrong Plus Tippet in 30- and 100-meter spools
Best Fly Fishing Rod:
5-Weight 9' Fly Rod
Best Floating Fly Line:
WF Trout Fly Line
Best Sinking Fly Line:
Bank Shot Sink Tip Fly Line