Fishing Season: All Year-Watch Flagstaff weather

Oak Creek - AZ

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Orvis Phoenix 's Tip of the Week

Streamers have been doing very well for us. Especially with this snow cover right now. Our favorite streamer has been the Complex twist Bugger! plenty of small worms up and about!

Directions open in app

Map of Oak Creek

Water Flow Data

Tidal Conditions

5-Day Outlook as of 3/9/25

Between the Highway 89A bridge crossing of Oak Creek at Slide Rock State Park upstream to the Sterling Springs Hatchery Property line will be all catch and release!

Techniques & Tips as of 3/9/25

Indicator and double fly rigs deep have been working best. Try fishing streamers through slack water and hitting undercut banks. The higher flows at oak creek can be a great time for targeting those bigger brown trout.

Local Species Available All Year-Watch Flagstaff weather

  • Fish Icon

    Brown Trout

  • Fish Icon

    Rainbow Trout

  • Fish Icon

    Gila Trout

Orvis Phoenix 's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Orvis CJ Nymph Green, red 14-18
Wiggle Hare's Ear Natural 14-18
Blue Winged Olive olive 16-22
Bead Head Woolly Bugger Streamer Black,Olive, White 4-12
Sculpzilla Olive 2,8
Thrift Shop Caddis Olive 16
Conehead Bunny Muddler Black Olive 4-12

Orvis CJ Nymph

You're guaranteed to catch a lot of fish with one of these bead head nymphs.

Orvis Phoenix 's Recommended Gear

Description: About Oak Creek

Oak Creek is a beautiful small stream located in the red rocks right outside of Sedona, Arizona. This creek is stocked with Rainbow Trout and Gila Trout but also boasts a great population of Wild Brown Trout. Some of the browns in this small stream can go over 20 inches, with most in the 14-18" range. The catch and release fishing section will be from the Hwy 89A Bridge crossing at Slide Rock State Park upstream to the AGFD Sterling Springs Fish Hatchery property boundary, including West Fork Oak Creek. Please refer to the reg booklet for further details. Access is easy from the 89A north of Sedona, but much of the best fishing lies between the access points and requires hiking. Weekends can be crowded on the OC, but often times you have the place to yourself during the week. This is a year round fishery, but keep an eye out for winter storms.

Nearest Airport:

Phoenix Sky Harbor


streamers Mayflies (BWO) eggs midges

Best Time to Fish:

Early morning and late afternoon

Best Stretch:

Grasshopper, Banjo and Call of the Canyon