Fishing Season: Year Round-Check for road closures

Canyon Creek - AZ

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Orvis Phoenix 's Tip of the Week

Lots of great streamer bites out there right now. Black and olive streamers, small and big. big appetites!

Directions open in app

Map of Canyon Creek

5-Day Outlook as of 3/9/25

Water is keeping low and clear. Means Spooky Fish. plenty of fish still eating streamers and well presented dry droppers. New Zealand Mud Snails have been found in Canyon Creek and AZGFD is asking for your cooperation in cleaning your boots when arriving and leaving! Spray your boots with Formula 409 and let dry for 15 mins and this has been working well. Make sure you take a 4x4, because that road can be a slippery one during the rainy and snowy season!

Techniques & Tips as of 3/9/25

Small stream tactics rule, make the first cast into each pool count. Limit false casting, start at the bottom of a section and work your way to the top. Place casts slightly above likely holding spots and be ready for an immediate eat. In the winter and early spring during high flows, focus on undercut banks and holding structure, large streamers or buggy dry flies can be productive when they are heavily feeding. During low water focus on particular spots and try and spot fish before casting.

Local Species Available Year Round-Check for road closures

  • Fish Icon

    Brown Trout

  • Fish Icon

    Rainbow Trout

Orvis Phoenix 's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Flying Ant black 14-18
CDC Caddis Olive, Grey, Tan 12-20
Rosenbauer Parachute Beetle Black 12-16
Hopper Olive, Tan 8-14
Sparkle Minnow Brown 8
Egan's Bionic Ant Black, Cinnamon 10-16
Tactical Peeping Caddis TH Jig Natural 10-12
Bead Head Woolly Bugger Streamer Olive, Black 6-12
Near Nuff Sculpin Olive 6
Galloups Ant Acid Black 14-16

Flying Ant

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Orvis Phoenix 's Recommended Gear

Description: About Canyon Creek

Canyon Creek is one of the best streams along the Mogollon Rim. This is the home stream of the Zane Grey Chapter of Trout Unlimited, one of the biggest chapters in the country. TU along with AZGFD has done a wonderful job restoring this stream after the Rodeo-Chediski fire and we believe this small stream is fishing better now than ever. Upper Canyon Creek while holding some resident Brown Trout is mainly a stocked Rainbow Trout fishery. Lower Canyon Creek, below the OW Ranch, is catch and release water with several big pools as well as riffles running into the pools. The lower section is a wild Brown Trout fishery, holding many large 20"+ fish in its larger pools. As with all small streams approach and presentation are as if not more important than fly selection. The gate to the lower creek is closed from Nov-March, but the creek can still be accessed via 4 x 4 vehicle and a short albeit steep hike into the canyon.

Nearest Airport:



hoppers, beetles, ants, BWO on cloudy days,

Best Time to Fish:

All Day; cloudy days are excellent

Best Stretch:

White Mountain Apache Reservation border to OW Bridge

Best Access:

Airplane flats or 188 National Forest Road