Fishing Season: January 1 - October 15

White Mountain National Forest - NH

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Dave Kolesar's Tip of the Week

Trout fishing in this area closes October 15th and will reopen January 1st. This report will begin updating in June.

Directions open in app

Map of White Mountain National Forest

Water Flow Data

5-Day Outlook as of 3/17/25

Remember trout fishing ends October 15

Techniques & Tips as of 3/17/25

Try nymphs, streamers, or dries

Local Species Available January 1 - October 15

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    rainbow trout

Dave Kolesar's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Bead Head Prince N/A 12-16
Bead Head Caddis Pupa tan, gray, green 12-18
Bead Head Woolly Bugger Streamer black or olive 8
Pale Morning Dun Thorax white 8
Partridge and orange N/A 12-16
Black nose dace N/A 6-8
Adams gray 10-18
Elk Wing Caddis tan, black 14-18
Wooduck and orange N/A 6-10
Black Ghost streamer N/A 6-8

Bead Head Prince

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Dave Kolesar's Recommended Gear

Description: About White Mountain National Forest

The White Mountains area around Lincoln, NH, holds many small lakes and ponds and rivers, the largest being the Pemigewasset. The most accessible lakes are Echo Lake and Profile Lake but don't overlook the remote trout ponds. Some other notable rivers are the Ammonoosuc, Gale, and Mad rivers. Profile Lake, a fly-fishing only lake, is the source of the Pemigewasset. The Pemi flows about 65 miles south before joining with the Winnipesaukee River to form the Merrimack River. The Pemi is a broad freestone river that can be easily waded in many locations. There are many roadside pull-offs along routes 3 and 175 that travels the length of the river. Some deeper stretches can be accessed by canoe or kayak but in general the river is to shallow for drift boats.

Nearest Airport:

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport


Caddis Sulphurs BWO

Best Time to Fish:


Best Stretch:

below confluence with East Branch Pemigewaset

Best Access:

Multiple access points along Rt 3 and 175