Fishing Season: Year round from Sawmill dam in Berlin to Maine From Berlin points north January 1st to October 15th

Androscoggin River - NH

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


North Country Angler's Tip of the Week

Fish the most comfortable time of day

Directions open in app

Map of Androscoggin River

Water Flow Data

Orvis-Endorsed guides nearby

Lopstick Lodge Outfitters

5-Day Outlook as of 3/19/25

Ice has left the river. Flows are high. Fish streamers and watch for little black stones to hatch in late afternoon.

Techniques & Tips as of 3/19/25

Wade into river and cast streamer flies back along river edges to catch trout waiting for unsuspecting bait fish. Sling streamers in search of pre spawn trout

Local Species Available Year round from Sawmill dam in Berlin to Maine From Berlin points north January 1st to October 15th

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    and Rainbow trout

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    Landlocked Salmon

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    and Small-mouth Bass

North Country Angler's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Elk Wing Caddis black 16-20
Bead Head Zug Bug natural 10-16
Mickey Finn natural 4-10
TH Duracell Jig natural 12-16
Rosenbauer Wire Caddis Larva olive 12-14
MOP Fly various 10
Flashback Hares Ear Nymph natural 12-18
Bead Head Woolly Bugger Streamer black 6-10
AD's Better Bait fish black/white 4
Humungous black 8-10

Elk Wing Caddis

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North Country Angler's Recommended Gear

Description: About Androscoggin River

The Androscoggin River emanates from the outlet of Lake Umbagog in Errol NH. From there the river flows south until it hits the White Mountains in Gorham NH. Here the river takes a southeastern course into Maine. The river's upper stretches from Errol to Berlin consist of a mix of fast rapids, long riffles, and slow water. This water contains rainbow, brook and brown trout. Landlocked salmon can also be found, especially close to the northern dams and smallmouth bass are caught in slower stretches. From Berlin New Hampshire to the Maine border the river is a mix of riffles and dry fly glides. The many mountain streams in this stretch provide spawning habitat for a healthy population of wild rainbow trout. Stocked, wild, and holdover browns, brookies and LL salmon can also be found in this water. Dry flies, nymphs and streamers are all important tools to effectively fish the Andro. The upper river is known for it's Alder fly hatch. For the rest of the season streamers and nymphs are your best bets there. The lower river, from Berlin to Maine has dry fly opportunities nearly year round. When fish are not looking up be sure to experiment with streamers, nymphs and swung emergers. The river ranges from an average of 1200 cfs in it's upper stretches to 2,000 cfs in it's lower reaches. While there are stretches that can be waded floating the river from a driftboat or raft will give you many advantages.

Nearest Airport:

Portland Maine (PMW)


Midges Black stones Caddis

Best Time to Fish:

most comfortable time of day

Best Stretch:

Errol NH to Pontook reservoir and Berlin NH to Gilead ME

Best Access:

Errol dam, Pontook dam, Gorham, Shelburne, Gilead