Fishing Season: Year-round

Miller's River - MA

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Jay Aylward's Tip of the Week

Flows are high, I would bet we are another week out from some wade fishing opportunities. If your have to get out on the water, I would stick to the eddy lines close to shore. .

Directions open in app

Map of Miller's River

Water Flow Data

5-Day Outlook as of 3/20/25

the nymphing should stay really strong and keep your eyes peeled for risers.

Techniques & Tips as of 3/20/25

Nymph and streamer rigs

Local Species Available Year-round

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Jay Aylward's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Hopper N/A
Turk's Tarantula N/A
Splitsville Beetle N/A
Schultzy's Low Water Crayfish N/A
Krystal Bugger N/A
Cone Head Muddler Minnow N/A


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Jay Aylward's Recommended Gear

Description: About Miller's River

The Miller's river is a famous trout river drawing European fly anglers as early as 1860. Things are a little different now compared to those historical accounts. But there are LOTS of bugs in the river and maintains its seclusion, beauty, and technical fishing. Because most of the river is surrounded by Oaks and Hemlocks, there is a tannin stain that disguises the true depth of the water. This river responds quickly to precipitation events, and may take an extra day or two to come back into shape. So be sure to check the flows before you head out. There are many browns and brookies in this river, and the state stocks rainbows. The trout fishing is best early and late season. There are good hatches of hendricksons, march browns, yellow sallies, caddis, and sulphers. This is a great smallmouth fishery. During and around the hot weather target the robust smallies located in this river. These fish are typically targeted in lower water and using a long leader with hoppers is really fun.

Nearest Airport:



Hendrickson Caddis Sulpher trico

Best Time to Fish:

Early and late