Fishing Season: Early Inland Trout

Tomorrow River - WI

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


Fall Line Outfitters Co.'s Tip of the Week

We're starting to see fish rising to adult stoneflies. Nymphs are still going to be your bread and butter, especially on the cooler days, but if fish start taking shots at your strike indicator, don't be affraid to switch over to a dry. Movement in your dry fly is key with this insect. Hard landings and twitches are what the fish are looking for.

Directions open in app

Map of Tomorrow River

Water Flow Data

5-Day Outlook as of 3/18/25

Precipitation will cool down and cloudy up the water. Stay subsurface during these conditions. Once the water starts warming and clearing up, surface presentations will become effective again.

Techniques & Tips as of 3/18/25

Nymphs and eggs under indicators work consistenly well this time of year. Drifting or very slowly swinging streamers works well too. By far the most fun though, is skittering dry stonefly imitations in the afternoons to surface feeding fish.

Local Species Available Early Inland Trout

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Fall Line Outfitters Co.'s Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
Orvis CJ Nymph Black/White 14
Early Season Stone Dry N/A 14
Keslar's IGGY Cream 14
Water Walker N/A 16

Orvis CJ Nymph

You're guaranteed to catch a lot of fish with one of these bead head nymphs.

Fall Line Outfitters Co.'s Recommended Gear

Description: About Tomorrow River

The Tomorrow River undergoes many changes as it flows its 22 miles through sandy Portage County. The upper Tomorrow is characterized by tight quarters fishing for wild Brown Trout and native Brook Trout. These sandy headwaters give way to a greater variety of water types, punctuated by large granite boulders as the Tomorrow transitions into its lower sections. Locals use the Amherst Dam as a landmark to distinguish between the Tomorrow’s upper and lower sections. As a whole, the Tomorrow River sustains a healthy trout population with its fair share of 20” fish. Each June, multiple generations of anglers converge in anticipation of the Tomorrow’s prolific Hex hatch. Only a 20 minute drive from Stevens Point, with easy access points in Nelsonville, Amherst, and Waupaca.

Nearest Airport:

Central Wisconsin Airport


Winter Stoneflies Caddis Larvae Various Nymphs Eggs Leeches Baitfish Scuds Midges

Best Time to Fish:


Best Stretch:

Lower Tomorrow River

Best Access:

Amherst Dam