Fishing Season: Year Round (Prime: April 1 - November 30)

Lake Taneycomo - MO

Fishing Outlook & Conditions

Water Temp:


River Run Outfitters's Tip of the Week

Go fishing. Great weather. Temperatures in the 70s for the balance of the week. Generators have been at one unit in the afternoon and warmest hours. Limits wadeable areas but they are there. Fishing is certainly picking up. Special Notice, if you plan to come to Taneycomo or any cold water state managed trout stream in Missouri.....LEAVE YOUR FELT SOLE WADING BOOTS AT HOME. Missouri banned porous sole boots on March 1, 2012.

Directions open in app

Map of Lake Taneycomo

Water Flow Data

Tidal Conditions

Orvis-Endorsed guides nearby

River Run Outfitters

5-Day Outlook as of 3/24/25

The peach egg pattern, Ruby 2 midge and cream mop fly are working very well. All the normal flies should also be working. Several fishers commenting on the nice size and quality of the fish right now. When in doubt, you can always call us for an update or keep checking the schedules and real time for generation. A link to that formation and phone numbers is available on our website. (Click on River Run Outfitters at the top of the page and the link to "Visit our Website" for current trip reports and pictures an generation schedules.)

Techniques & Tips as of 3/24/25

Nymph style fishing with midges. Try 16 and smaller gray or tan scuds in the rebar area. Overcast day try the black copperhead midge was working. Ruby 2 is always a safe bet. Pulling streamers, JQ, tiger tail, black or olive wooly buggers, or a holographic green crackleback on a sunny day.

Local Species Available Year Round (Prime: April 1 - November 30)

  • Fish Icon

    Rainbow and Brown Trout

River Run Outfitters's Recommended Fly Patterns

"Must-have" fly fishing patterns in descending order of importance:

Name: Colors: Size(s):
tiger tail olive 12
tungsten bead midge red 16
ruby midge holographic red 12-18
CQ wooly bugger olive 8

tiger tail

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River Run Outfitters's Recommended Gear

Description: About Lake Taneycomo

Lake Taneycomo is a year round tailwater fishery stocked with rainbow and brown trout. A three mile section from the dam to Fall Creek is a designated Special Management Area; this area is the favorite for fly fishing and has public access. Large numbers of fish hold near the dam because of the flows from the outlets at the trout hatchery, and with zero or low generation, wading is easy on the gravel bottom for mile and a half downstream. In the upper area, the river has deep holes, gravel bars, ledges, and few riffles, and current is slow and flat with no generation. As the water rises, fallen trees, boulders, and cut banks add structure. Scuds, sow bugs, and midges are abundant, and indicator rigs with flies these imitations consistently catch fish. Most rainbows measure between 14-16 inches, but a 20 inch trout is always possible. In the fall, brown trout move upstream toward the dam for spawning. Fishing at night and stripping streamers can net big rewards. On a good day anglers catch and release double digit numbers of fish. Below Fall Creek, Taneycomo takes on more characteristics of a lake. You can still fly fish, but you need a boat. Taneycomo is one of a chain of lakes created by dams on the White River. On the upper end, the water flows like a river because of elevation changes and water releases from the dam. With generation water levels can vary as much as ten feet, and flows can change from near zero cubic feet per second to 12,000. Boaters and waders need to be cognizant of the conditions of low and high water and rapid rises.

Nearest Airport:

Springfield-Branson National Airport


Midges size 18-24. Our midges hatch sporadically throughout the day throughout the entire year, but we frequently see hatches in the late morning and afternoon.

Best Time to Fish:

Mid morning and afternoons or night when generation is low or constant. Night fishing good now.

Best Stretch:

From the base of Table Rock Dam to Fall Creek.

Best Access:

Several good access points are available at the Shepherd of the Hill Hatchery in the State Park for wading. A river trail parallels the bank on the the northern side of the river. Public access boat ramps are available at the hatchery and Cooper Creek.